

Page history last edited by Dana Allen-Greil 13 years, 7 months ago


Papers, presentations, and more go here.  If you have any specific suggestions, feel free to edit!


From Museums and the Web


Social Media and Organizational Change [2011]

Dana Allen-Greil, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, USA

Susan Edwards, J. Paul Getty Trust, USA

Jack Ludden, J. Paul Getty Trust, USA

Eric Johnson, Monticello, USA (Email: ejohnson [at] monticello [dot] org and twitter: @edmj)


Clearing the Path for Sisyphus: How Social Media is Changing Our Jobs and Our Working Relationships [2010]

Jeff Gates, Smithsonian American Art Museum, USA


Small Towns and Big Cities: How Museums Foster Community Online [2010]

Dana Allen-Greil, National Museum of American History, USA

Matthew MacArthur, National Museum of American History, USA


The impact of blogs and other social media on the life of a curator [2010]

Erika Dicker, Australia


Time To Stop Doing and Start Thinking: A Framework For Exploiting Web 2.0 Services [2009]

Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath, UK


Online Resources about Social Media Best Practices and Leadership


2011 eNonprofit Benchmark Study, by M+R Research Labs and NTen (Nonprofit Technology Network)


Beth Kanter's Blog (How Networked Nonprofits Are Using Social Media to Power Change).

Choice posts:

Got a Social Media Policy? (March 8, 2010)

So you want a Facebook Fan Page for Your Nonprofit? Here's the Scoop! (May 13, 2009)

How can we prepare organizational leaders to work in a networked world? (June 2, 2010)


Nina Simon's Museum 2.0 Blog

Choice posts:

Participation Starts with Staff: The Ruru Revolution (December 16, 2010)



          5 Tips for Creating More Efficient Social Media Processes (July 7, 2011)


Museums and Social Media delicious links (compiled by Dana Allen-Greil)


Ogilvy 360 Digital Influence: Fresh Influence Blog

          Social Silo-Busting (February 9, 2011)


SmartBlog on Leadership

          38 questions to assess your company's cultural readiness for social media (January 17, 2011)


What is Radical Trust?


Know your own bone blog by Colleen Dilenschneider 


Twitter for Museums

          Case Study: National Museum of American History (2010)


Tate Social Media Communications Strategy, 2011-2012 (Tate Museum)



Museum Social Media Statistics


 Social media survey results from Rose Sherman (Minnesota Historical Society), 2009: summary (.pdf) and raw results (.xlsx)


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